Over the last few months I have had the great honor of praying for a friend from middle and high school, Mike Contes. As I worked on this quilt I was called to pray for Mike, Cheri, and their children.
I decided to pray bold prayers.
I am praying that Mike will be fully healed and restored.
As I prayed for Mike I was convicted by the weak, wimpiness of my prayers. So many times I pray safe prayers, "Lord, do Your will, Lord bring peace and comfort. . ."
I believe that God is sovereign -- that means I should enter into prayer understanding that the will of God will be accomplished. I also believe that as a Christian the Holy Spirit will bring peace and comfort--that's why these are safe prayers. I can pray these prayers and feel safe and comfortable that they will be answered.
We are all guilty of this.
But what would happen if we stepped out of this comfort zone? What would happen in the church, in the world, in the life of Mike and Cheri Contes if we were willing to run into the Holy of Holies, grab onto the horns of the altar and intercede on behalf of Mike? What would happen if we would "grab ahold" of Christ, and like Jacob say, "I will NOT let You go until You bless me."
In Genesis 32, Moses tells the story of his great-great grandfather, Jacob.
While it was still dark, Jacob laid his fears before God in prayer. The Bible tells us that One with the likeness of a man wrestled with him. Matthew Henry says, "When the spirit helpeth our infirmities, and our earnest and vast desires can scarcely find words to utter them, and we still mean more than we can express, then prayer is indeed wrestling with God."
Wrestling is a difficult exercise. It requires constant exertion.
When was the last time that your prayer life resembled a wrestling match? When was the last time that you held onto God with a white-knuckled grip and determined that even if the struggle is long and difficult your prayer will not be silenced. Jacob would have a blessing, and had determined that "he would rather have all his bones put out of joint than to go away without one."
A faithful prayer lays hold on God. It is not a statement of spiritual ignorance it is a statement of faith. To ask God for great blessings means that we understand the character of the One we wrestle with. God is not offended when we wrestle with Him. He is not worried that we will defeat Him or embarrass Him. He will not come out of it weakened or sore. "Nothing gives God greater pleasure than to see the hearts of His people firmly adhering to Him." (Jameison-Fausset-Brown)
Recently I was reminded of a story involving my son, Kesley. When Kelsey was four years old, we were preparing a family dinner and Kelsey got hungry. He came to me and asked for a piece of bologna. I told him he could not have a piece of bologna and he started crying. He cried because he was hungry and knew that bologna would fill his tummy. He couldn't understand why a loving mother would not give him what he thought he needed. What Kelsey didn't understand was that I had already met his need. Right outside, on the grill I was grilling steak. And not just any steak, Fillet Mignon. He was upset because when he asked for bologna I said no. It never occurred to him to ask for Fillet Mignon. If he had asked for steak I would have said, "Yes." How many times do we ask God for bologna then walk away crying and hungry when He doesn't give it to us?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that Mike and Cheri don't' need any bologna prayers. They need us to pray, daring to believe there is Fillet Mignon on the grill. They need for all of us to enter into the "prayer closet," grab the hem of Christ's garment and say, "I will NOT let go. If I have to miss a meal, I'm willing to do that. If I have to miss a TV show, I'm willing to do that. Until YOU move in Mike's life, I will NOT let go."
Andrew Murray says, "Beware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do. 'Expect things above all that we ask or think.'"
Today I am putting the final touches on Mike's prayer quilt and was given permission to share his story with you. I ask that you join with me in prayer for Mike, Cheri, and the Contes family.
Mike's Story
On February 13, 2013 Mike was diagnosed with liver cancer. Mike's cancer showed signs of being aggressive so it was, in turn, treated aggressively.
I don't know that I could accurately relate all the details of Mike's story so I will let him tell it himself through his Facebook posts:
As already mentioned, my cancer is showing signs of being aggressive, hence the significant growth of the two spots in merely 8-10 weeks and now surgery. Aggressive cancers in the liver tend to reoccur is transplanted livers. Thus doctors don't want to waste my time, overall health, etc if the the new liver will probably develop cancer. Plus, they wouldn't want to "waste" a liver. Technically, I am still on the list but in a hold status until they can review these two spots. They must prove (to the transplant board) that they have reduced in size or become completely irradiated. Then upon the boards approval can I be put back on the list back in the same spot I was in (I won't lose my place).
As already mentioned, my cancer is showing signs of being aggressive, hence the significant growth of the two spots in merely 8-10 weeks and now surgery. Aggressive cancers in the liver tend to reoccur is transplanted livers. Thus doctors don't want to waste my time, overall health, etc if the the new liver will probably develop cancer. Plus, they wouldn't want to "waste" a liver. Technically, I am still on the list but in a hold status until they can review these two spots. They must prove (to the transplant board) that they have reduced in size or become completely irradiated. Then upon the boards approval can I be put back on the list back in the same spot I was in (I won't lose my place).
As my CT scan showed this morning the doctors successfully chemoembolized them (they didn't miss). So now the tumors need to simply respond by significantly shrinking or going away completely. Thanks for caring everyone!
Wheeew!!! I don't know how I typed this having been on a morphine pump, oxycodone and only ~2 hours sleep. "
June 18, 2013
Tuesday is a big day for me with an important procedure that in 4-6 weeks afterwards will tell us a lot about my outcome. THANK YOU everybody from the bottom of my heart. I truly appreciate your consideration, kind words and most importantly your prayers. Cancer is a scary thing but such kindness makes it easier. Much love…Mike
June 19, 2013
Well everyone major hurdle tackled yesterday with avert thing going about 95% the way I needed it to go. Now it's a waiting game (4-6 weeks) to have the transplant board review my case and hopefully put me back on the transplant list. Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts!! Love to all you friends.
July 16, 2013
"Back from long day at the hospital. As per my liver specialist there are no signs of the two treated cancer tumors! The radiologist still has to dictate and make his report but all should be AOK. Thanks!"
August 11, 2013
"Well after a trip to Emory University in ATL, it looks like Ill be approved on their transplant list too. This will improve my opportunity for a quicker transplant as I will be double listed on both CMC Charlotte and Emory in ATL. After visiting Emory's facility and learning about their program my preference is strongly with them however I've been urged to accept first available, even by the doctors at Emory. God is awesome for opening up this opportunity."
August 22, 2013
"Lord thank you for this opportunity. If not for your grace would I be in this place. I am on the way to CMC for my transplant. I pray for the loss of the family and most portably the person who chose to share life and donate their organs. Thanks to everyone who has shared this journey with me and given me words of encouragement. Love to everyone!"
August 23, 1013
(Post from Cheri Contes)
Thank you all for all the prayers and words of encouragement. Very, very grateful. So far all prayers have been answered. He got a perfect liver, surgery couldn't have gone better and he's doing very well. Already see signs of improvement from transplant. Hope to be dismissed from STICU (trauma icu) to normal post op floor tomorrow!
October 23, 2013
"Back at CMC with crazy back pain. I
C'mon dalotid...kick in!!!"
C'mon dalotid...kick in!!!"
October 25, 2013
(Cheri Contes)
"Update on Mike Contes: He had a stent put in today. Bile duct was narrowing and backed up. Hopeful that helps with some of his issues. He is much more comfortable now. Itching and pain are better controlled. He is under care of pain mgmt for his back now. He is getting MRI right now but wont get results till tomorrow. We are assuming its herniated disk. Will have labs in morning and hope to go home tomorrow. Thank you all so much for the many prayers!"
October 26, 2013
(Cheri Contes)
"Update on Mike Contes: friends and family we got some really shocking news today. He does not have herniated disk. He has 2 tumors on his spine. They say its incurable. They just did full scan of body tonight and we do not have results yet. He needs the kind of healing only our heavenly father can give. Please pray hard!"
October 28, 2013
(Cheri Contes)
"Update on Mike Contes: They are first going to biopsy since this is first metastatic cancer. Best to be sure if its same cancer that spread or something different. Surgery isnt really an option for one tumor so they are going to do radiation on both. Could take at least a week before he has pain relief. He's on lots of pain meds now. I will say more than 1 Dr has said its ultimately up to God. So refreshing!"
October 30, 2013
(Cheri Contes)
"Update on Mike Contes. Biopsy results are back. He does have liver cancer on his spine which means its metastasizing (stage 4 cancer). He already had his first radiation treatment today. They are hoping it will shrink enough to get him out of pain after 5 treatments. We are hopeful and leaning in the Lord."
November 3, 2013
"Update on Mike Contes Last night was better with pain. They have been slowly increasing long lasting oral meds so he doesn't need as much break through. Seems like we're on right track. But cautious as we have said that before. He's already had 4 radiation treatments. None today. He'll be going everyday Mon/Fri for many weeks. Still hoping to go home tomorrow!"
November 4, 2013
"Update on Mike Contes: We are still at hospital. Pain returned today with a vengeance. Apparently it can be inconsistent and they can only give so much pain meds without ODing him. (Again) So we are taking it day to day waiting for tumor to shrink from radiation. Prayers for pain welcome!"
November 5, 2013
Update on Mike Contes. No changes today. Still waiting for pain to decrease or pain meds to control. They started something new today but it takes 72 to kick in so now we just have to be patient. About 3 more days here. I see a light!!
November 8, 2013
"Update on Mike Contes: After 16 nights in hospital, we are finally going home today!"
November 18, 2013
(Cheri Contes)
"Another day at hospital. This time liver biopsy. Please pray for good results and more importantly pray for him to feel better. Tomorrow is last radiation."
November 25, 2013
Update on Mike Contes: Some of you wanted an update. Sorry. it was really busy here for a while with all the dr appts. Radiation is done. After coming home from hospital he got nauseous and sleepy. Those symptoms have seemed to increase with each day. He's barely awake. And we take meals cautiously. No pain though. We are now trying to taper down the meds in hopes of alleviating these symptoms and hope pain doesnt return. Thats all we have planned for now. Thank you all for the continued prayers!
November 27, 2013
Update on Mike Contes: He was admitted back into hospital last night. He's been nauseous and extremely fatigued too long. He Lost a lot of weight and dehydration set in. They have him on fluids and iv meds for nausea but they havent helped him feel any better yet. Not sure what Drs will decide to do today.
Update on Mike Contes: they did a scan of his brain to be sure no tumors there causing this. It was clear! Thats a praise!! He still feels the same. They r decreasing pain pills again tonight and hoping its going to help him turn corner.
November 28, 2013
Update on Mike Contes: He's still quite miserable. He had minor improvements yesterday but then today back to drawing board. Drs aren't certain the cause or how to help but they still think its meds and trying to safely taper them down. They are going to do ultrasound and ct scan today to rule out other unlikely issues. Please pray for some relief and wisdom for Drs. Then hug your families and be thankful for your health and time together.
November 29, 2013
Update on Mike Contes: he's finally feeling much better today! Thank God. He hasn't needed nausea med since last night. Still little sleepy, little confusion but really much better. They want to see him get through 24 hrs without iv meds before we can leave. He has to have a new stent put in tomorrow morning. This is for liver. He most likely needs another liver biopsy Monday too but we'll take it if he can do it with some quality of life. Seeing a light... Thanks for all the prayers!!
November 30, 2013
Update on Mike Contes: Going home!! He's feeling pretty good. They put new stents in this morning and another liver biopsy likely on Monday. But...he feels better and that's what matters most right now!
December 2, 2013
Update on Mike Contes: friends, he's still struggling. Seems like we putting out different fires. He just needs a break. He says , just 1 week, just 1 week without Drs and sickness. Please don't quit praying for him. There's still some unknown variables. Too many details right now. When i know more I will try to post. Pray also pray for him to be able spend Evan's birthday with him. Would mean SO MUCH to Evan.